Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Acer Unveils New Phone

Now laptop makers are heading towards new and innovative products to make themselves more prominent in this competitive world. All new Acer's Liquid smart phone is coming with Android 2.1 coupled with Wi-Fi.

This new smart phone will definitely replace the old one. Both primarily differs at the software level. If you see the hardware side; you will not find any major modifications. The smart phone uses a 3.5-inch touch screen. It has a 5MP camera, GPS, an accelerometer, microSD slot for storage expansion. Most importantly, it has Wi-Fi and BlueTooth 2.1 support.

This new smart phone even has a 3.5mm audio jack. You will be glad to know that the brain of the system is a 768MHz Snapdragon chipset setup with 256MB of RAM and with 512MB ROM.

Though there is no official word about the release date yet, but everyone is hoping that this new Acer’s Liquid Smart phone with Wi-Fi will definitely bring a smile on your face.

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