Friday, February 5, 2010

Surf Your Internet from a Park

How about the idea of getting a day when you can listen the chirping of the birds, watch your children playing and at the same time complete your office project using Wi-F connection? Well this future is not far away? Surprised!

You can now seat on the park bench and chase your dreams with the Wi-Fi connections because the park benches use them convincingly. Wondering how these Wi-Fi connections get power? Well the bench utilizes renewable energy as its power units. The frame of the bench is manufactured with certain recycled materials.

The Korean designers has brought this ‘Solar Inside Park Bench’ and carried your dreams into reality. The solar powered bench comes with a design that includes a thin solar film which is made of a material that is wind and rain proof. It is not that only the rechargeable battery incorporated into the bench provides the users an access to the Wi-Fi access, but its seat also provides light by glowing at night for the lighting that is emission-free.It is assured that you could get rest on the seat of the bench and the seat does not get overheated with the solar energy.

Have a nice Wi-Fi surfing experience along with your evening walk.

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