Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Secrets of Midway Mania’s Win

Living in the Network World if we look inside the Wi-Fi protocol, then perhaps we can make out the secret behind the great success of Disney’s Toy Story ‘Midway Mania’. This story proved to be one of the biggest attractions among the little viewers and the elder ones.

In the ‘Midway Mania’ about one hundred and fifty four graphics workstations used to run the operating system, Windows XP. Using Windows XP, you can render three dimensional images at a speed of sixty frames each second.

The workstations make communication between each other with four gaming systems onboard. Among the four systems, each of the vehicles uses an industrial-strength wireless network that is based on the 802.11 Wi-Fi technologies.

The Wi-Fi network incorporates an enormous quantity of instantaneous information that are gathered from the ride. This gathered form of information are fed into the graphics workstations so that they can precisely make a render of the images of rings or pies that are coming out of the shooting devices at correct angles with perfect projectiles.

Take a look at this exciting Wi- Fi technology already put in practice and get amazed in the fantasy world of Disneyland with its charming features.

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