Thursday, January 14, 2010

Connect with Multiple Printers Easily

It is really easy to share a Printer on a home network between several computers. Printer sharing saves the cost of purchasing additional printers and also paying for different server box for Printers.

Below are the processes by which you can prepare a Printer for multiple sharing:

Setting up the Preparation for a Printer that will be Shared

On the LAN network, in order to share a printer you have to first ensure that the printers must be networked together. Most of the local area networks uses small sized router which gets connected with the Internet connections of your home. Each of the individual computers then gets plugged in within this router. The connection with the router takes place either using Wi-Fi technology or it may be through Ethernet cables.

Activating Sharing in Windows Printer

In order to activate the Printers on a system that consist Windows operating system first you have to click the ‘Start’ menu and enter the ‘Control Panel’. From this tab select the ‘Printers and Faxes’. Clicking this option will pop up a list that consists of all the connected faxes and Printer machines.

Get Connected to All the Printers That are Shared

For connecting to all the shared Printers you have to first choose the ‘Start’ option from where you will be taken to the ‘Printers and Faxes’ selection. Clicking this option will give you an option of ‘Add a Printer’. Select and get connected to the Networked Printer.

Get connected to multiple Printers by following these techniques. So Happy Printing!

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