Friday, January 22, 2010

Tips To Secure Your Email Account

The one and only way to secure your Email account is by using a password and a username. But what happens when you forget either one of them? The account will require a better technique of changing the password of the user and returning it to them for gaining the access of the Email account again.

Information of the User

Before getting an access of their own Email account, the users first have to insert their personal information. Such information plays a vital role during recovery of the password or username.

While you are creating an Email account you will be requested to fill up a form that will undoubtedly ask you some personal questions. Such questions will be utilized as a form of validation during the case of a forgotten password.

Get a Validation of the User

Once it has been indicated that the user has lost their password and is trying to reset it, the site should validate its user with the previously collected information that was bundled up during the creation of the account.

Generate Random Passwords

Altogether there exists three various steps for generating a password and sending those to a user. Such steps are:

• Generating the string of the password.
• Within a database writing those strings of password.
• Sending the string of password to the user.

Now what you are worrying for? Start Emailing and say Cheers!

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