Thursday, January 7, 2010

Google Chrome with its new Strategies for Printers

The launch of Google Chrome has created a buzz in the world of Internet. Google itself has given a lot of hype to this operating system as its next generation OS. However, Google, the giant of Internet, requires to solve certain serious issues regarding its biggest hyped operating system Google Chrome.

One of the major issues that have risen even with some of the operating systems of Microsoft is the topic of Driver which mainly includes a Printer. Even the operating system, Windows Vista, was not unaffected from this same Printer driver problem when it announced its launch before two years.

Google does not want to face any kind of troubles with its operating system Chrome when it will be released during the 2010 or 2011. This OS is specially intended especially for the netbook users. Therefore naturally it can be assumed that they will connect to a lot of computer peripherals such as Printers, scanners and netbooks. So eventually it will support all the Printer andother peripheral facilities.

Most of the input devices require basic standards so as to enable its users to use their Printers and other external drives work with variety of platforms. For example the USB devices works on the platform of Windows. According to the report of Google officials a unique compatibility for the Printer driver will be adopted.

So keep an eye to the Internet and watch the latest announcement of Google so that you don’t miss the chance of switching your OS to Google Chrome.

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