Thursday, January 14, 2010

Speed away with Wi-Fi On Rails

Now you will get your Wi-Fi even when you are traveling on train. Amtrak has announced that they are joining the ranks of various other commercial transport avenues such as planes and buses.They are trying to add Wi-Fi connectivity to the Acela Express line which will be plying routes between Washington, DC and Boston.

This service will be rolled out as a part of 2010 cabin upgrades on Acela Express fleet and it is expected to be completed in March. The service was initially free though there is no indication that what will be the duration of that free service or the pricing when it will expire.

Amtrak is signing for such an endeavor but the lack of details can make the value of this offering, a bit uncertain at this moment. When you are paying for a day’s worth of Wi-Fi access for the trip on Acela the train, it almost means to get more time online for your money than a similar charge on flight or in the airport. It is interesting to see that Acela can team with the providers in some major stations along the route which also offers internet service to be put together as a packaged deal for the passengers.

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