Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some Tips of Keyboard Shortcuts

In today’s IT environment, it is very important to work quickly, and efficiently. You should know how to use your keyboard and mouse simultaneously in your Windows XP.

Quickly Access the Start Menu-

The Windows key that is there in your keyboard will launch the start menu when you release the key, the menu will appear. But if you have a very old keyboard then you may not have the Windows Key on it. In that case you can use Ctrl + Esc.
Quickly get into your System Properties
When you need to access the System Properties for your computer, you have to go through a pretty long exercise. You can use Windows key + pause or break key as a keyboard shortcut for this.

Quickly Lock your System

The quickest way to lock your system is to use Ctrl + Alt + Del key sequence which will select an option to ‘Lock Workstation’. But by using Windows key + L on your keyboard, you can lock your system immediately.
Quickly Search for Anything

When you need to find files, you use the Search feature that is built into your Windows XP. But Windows Key + F keys will raise the search function and within a few seconds, you will see your Search Result’s dialog box. You can use this feature to find other computers on your network when you add the ctrl key in the keystroke sequence.

These keyboard shortcuts will increase your speed and efficiency with Windows XP.

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