Thursday, January 28, 2010

Creating MS Access Relationships

In the late 1950s the Internet world marked the inception of one of the most popular sailing club ‘The Merrie sailing club’. It stamped its appreciation for maintaining a database in MS Access, one of the programs of MS Office, which comprised of management, part-time caretakers for managing the coming and leaving of guests and a Booking Officer.

The reason for which they designed the database with the help of MS Office program includes:

Normalization of Data

The very first reason for designing such a database includes determination about the people and date of visit.

Creating Relationships

While creating relationships no datas are present in the tables. This is importantly because of the reason that new relationships that is produced between the tables needs them to be empty. The relationships are created with the following steps:

• Speedily close up any tables that are open.
• Select the tab ‘Database Tools’.
• Select the option ‘Show Table’ which you will find by right clicking on the ‘Database tools’.
• Within each of the tables give a click with your mouse and then ‘Add button’.
• Move the key table of Booking in the middle and then search for the tables on each side.
• Select the CustomerID from lookup table of the customer and then draw the CustomerID in the main Booking table
• Make sure about the Enforce Referential integrity checkbox and then select ‘Create’
• Likewise form a relation for the LodgeID by hitting your mouse and dragging it to the main table from the lookup table.

Following this, hope you have successfully completed creating the MS Office program, MS Access Relationship.

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