Thursday, January 21, 2010

Three Things You Should Not Print

Do you know things that you should not print from your Printer? You often spend pennies for printing that which you should not.The trick is to figure out what to print and what not, like e-mail, reports, and memos.

Many people try to print out e-mail for safekeeping. Try to stop that. Encourage everyone to save e-mail digitally in a searchable and shareable place on their network of columns in itself. You should know how to search past messages to find the information that you need, so stop printing your e-mails.

Reports consume huge amounts of paper in some companies. So if you want to track some waste, follow each printout and you will watch that some reports go straight into your recycle bin without being touched.

You should start printing reports to PDF and make those files available on shared folder or via e-mail. If your company is still handing out paper memos, then rethink that practice. You can just send memos by e-mail and cut down the cost of useless printing.

Printing from Printers costs money. But printing right things at the right time give a positive impact of your company and clients. Senseless printing is nothing but waste and loss of money. Hope you are aware of this from now.

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