Saturday, January 16, 2010

Find free Wi-Fi in Lyon

In France you will discover several cities where you will find access toWi-Fi and the city of Lyon is one amongst them. Most of the places of Lyon charge a certain amount of fee for accessing the Internet. But don’t you think that it is frustrating when you have to pay for your drink and Internet before leaving a café?

Therefore, if you are seriously searching for a place that offers you an option of accessing the Wi-Fi without any cost, shift your focus to the following mentioned points:

The Restaurants and Cafes of Lyon’s with Free Wi-Fi

If you are searching for a quiet and pleasant work space, then you must visit the café-cum-bookshop Raconte-moi la Terre. The place is land marked by Place Bellecour.

Are you looking for a quick Wi-Fi connection? Then you must pop into the stall of McDonald’s. But before peeping into the stall you must be aware of the fact that there you are not going to get a quiet work space as Mc Donald’s is a popular place for the teens hangout.

Computer Access and Wi-Fi at Lyon’s Local Youth Center

The Lyon’s Local Youth Center was previously known by the name of Les Centres Régionaux Information Jeunesse (CRIJ). This Youth Centre is a centre of resources that is open for all aged people including the visitors and locals. It offers an atmosphere that is very gracious and the working staff is very co-operative.

Get started with free Wi- Fi in Lyon and say cheers.

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