Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tips To Clean Sweep Your Computer

Don’t you think that you need to tidy up your computer and improve your PC health? If you follow this steps, it will definitely help you.

Some programs do not give you the option to uninstall them from a group. At first go to Start menu, select Control Panel, and then under Programs, follow these steps. If you are a Windows 7 and Windows Vista user, click Uninstall a Program. And if you are a Windows XP user, click Add or Remove Programs.

It will display a long alphabetical list of installed programs. See the names of the programs that you no longer want on your hard drive. Click on them, and follow these instructions. If you are a Windows 7 and Windows Vista users, click Uninstall. And Windows XP users click the tab to the right of the program, which will say Remove or change/Remove.

Then follow the prompts. A progress bar will show you about how long it will take to safely remove the program. When you are finished, you will see the list once again. This will definitely improve your PC health.
This article focuses on uninstalling your entire programs, but it is even easier to delete some individual files. Once you get inside My Computer or Windows Explorer, just highlight the files that you no longer want on your hard drive. Then tap the Delete key, right-click on it and select Delete. This process will send all of your unwanted files to Recycle Bin for safekeeping. With this tip improve your PC’s Health and help it to work according to your terms.

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