Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Google Will Accept More Files

Google the king of Internet has announced that their new Google Docs service will allow you to put up the ability to upload, store and organize any type of file in Google Docs.

You can now upload and access your files virtually from any Internet connected device, and not only just via your computer. This is a very good news for those who carry powerful smart phones that can handle larger files natively without going through a conversion process. It will save you from carrying around those files in a physical media which is prone to damage and faults.

On a better side, your Google account gains more value since it is a universal passport on Internet. This will allow you to access a host of other Google services. Just you have to keep in mind that nobody takes off your username and password.
You can upload any file up to 250MB in Google Docs, with a maximum of 1GB free storage space for files that can be converted to a Google Docs format on Internet. If you need additional storage space, then you just have to spend a mere quarter per GB each year which you can definitely afford.

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