Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Test Your Broadband’s Speed

You often face problems with your broadband line speed. You often pay for 8Mb, but you get 4Mb. If that is the case then you can use a free Broadband Speed Test to findPC Health.

You can start the test by visiting the broadband speed test page on Internet. There just click on the big button that is in the page. The test first starts by downloading a file. After your download is finished, the speed checker will try to upload a file and it will measure your upload speed. By measuring it, you can give your PC’s Health a good medicine to speed up.

If you want to get an accurate result, then you should not use your Internet connection for any other applications while the speed checker is running. Run the test for a few times so that an average speed can be calculated. Your broadband’s speed is measured in Kbps that is kilobits per second.

You can even do a Ping Test which can grade your ISP. This Broadband Speed Test will not only give you an idea about your broadband’s speed but also your steps to increase your speed which will optimize your PC Health.

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