Friday, January 22, 2010

No Food, No Air But Only Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi has become so important in our lives that you will even find it in space. Shocked!! Well it’s true, Astronauts from orbit are sending messages to Twitter through Wi-Fi. Though these messages were forwarded to Houston and then they were posted from ground.

But this process changed on Friday morning after NASA quoted that the International Space Station has got a special software upgrade. This software will give the crew a personal chance to access Internet and Web on the ultimate wireless connection that is Wi-Fi.

Astronaut T.J. Creamer was the first person to try out this new network and named it Crew Support LAN. The posting was a first unassisted tweet from space.
“Hello Twitterverse! We r now LIVE tweeting from the International Space Station -- the 1st live tweet from Space! :) More soon, send your?s”- were the words that came from space for the first time.

NASA quoted that the Crew Support LAN is using the existing communication links to and from the space station to give the astronauts a personal Web access.
When the station was actively communicating with the ground, then the crew had remote access to Internet from a ground computer by using an onboard laptop. All astronauts were subject to the same computer by using guidelines similar to the government employees on Earth. From now whenever you sit with your twitter account, see if you get any message from space through Wi-Fi.

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