Friday, January 15, 2010

Find your Wi-Fi Hot Spots Easily

How can you find a Wi-Fi hot spot? Here are two handy tips which will make you find some of the good hot spots of Wi-Fi. Such as:

Using a cell phone to Find Wi-Fi Hot Spots

Approximately every cell phone gives you the facility of detecting hot spot as it contains in-built Wi-Fi capabilities. Even if there is no Wi-Fi signal present, majority of the phones run software that uses phone's in-built GPS unit that identifies the current location of the users. It also checks the connectivity of the Internet by means of the phone's data connection. The data connection of the phone is used for searching a list of all the known Wi-Fi nearby spots.

Using the Handheld Gadgets Find the Wi-Fi Hot Spots

The signals can be detected by the handheld Wi-Fi and it also seeks out the signal within a range. These handheld devices are very much user friendly and offers a mega portable size. Additionally it offers keychain style devices like the Chrysalis Wi-Fi Seeker. This Wi-Fi Seeker offers you a visual illustration of the strength of the signal at its button.

Another Wi-Fi product known as Wi-Fi Walker consists of a mini digital display and also a USB key. This USB key provides permission to the detector

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