Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tips to add Email subscription form

Are you a new blogger by any chance? If you are then you might have seen a subscription of an email while browsing. The delivery of an Email
is carried out by FeedBurner.

As soon as people subscribe they obtain an email with the blog posts and every time this blogs gets updated.

Below are the steps with which you can add the ‘Email Subscriotion form’:

1. In the first step, sign in to the account of FeedBurner. If In case you do not have one you can register into FeedBurner and obtain one for yourself.

2. In your second step go to ‘My Feeds’ link and click your mouse on the same option. You will find ‘My Feeds’ link at the top pf the website. Next click to the name of the blog.

3. Then go to the tab ‘Publicize’ and click on it

4. Now select the ‘Email Subscription’ tab

5. Next you will be provided with an option of ‘Activate’

6. If you now take a look to the sidebar you will get options such as Subscription Management,Communication Preferences,Email Branding and Delivery options. You can add them according to your requirements.

7. Finally the last step has reached. After following the above process accurately, now, you need to only sign in to your ‘blogger dahsboard’. From there go to ‘layout’ and ‘add a page element’ where you have to select ‘html/javascript’.

Completion of the whole process will lead you towards a successful post of a blog. Happy Blogging!

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