Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keep Yourself Framed in the Digital Era

The technological etiquettes that have been uncovered from the books of the famous American author, Emily Post, have become outdated. To counter these problems many guidebooks got reinvented that worked on these avenues and made a new rulebook providing the details of the various ways of Internet communication.

The Handheld Devices

In the social setting procedure how can you verify your Email or Mobile phones? It is the best idea to put your mobile phone in the vibrating mode when you are in a social gathering. When you are answering a call in the public, make your conversations secret by lowering your voice or tell them to give you a call sometime later.

Photos and Social Networking

Try to give value to the issues regarding your Internet privacy and also be kind while you are busy in posting those snaps in the Internet that may contain photos of other people. Particularly when the photos contains the face of the children try to take permission of their parents and then upload them.

In the Internet when you are giving comments to any of your friends on a social networking site try to keep in mind that those comments are public. Do not write anything that may hamper their image or individuality.

Learn these etiquettes and make yourself a familiar face in the world of technology.

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