Monday, January 4, 2010

Wi-Fi scaling up popularity charts

Daily more and more people are connecting to the Internet. Many local businesses are finding that providing Wi-Fi hotspot is a great way to draw in more customers.

A “hotspot” is what the locations are called when they offer wireless Internet access. These kinds of sites are most often found in coffee shops and other such businesses.

It is something that the chain stores wanted to provide to customers because it is a great way for students and others to come to their stores and stay connected with Wi-Fi. It is seen that people are getting more connected to the Internet.These chains wanted to make that available to their customers by adapting to their lifestyle.
Even anyone who comes into the library armed with a laptop can log into the Wi-Fi network. Even on many occasions people are parking their cars outside the building and using its Wi-Fi before the library is even open.

Cafe owners are also using Wi-Fi in the lure of grabbing customers. Café owners also quoted that it helps them in acquiring new orders. They have a lot of business people who comes in the morning for breakfast and they do their work on the computer. From now start sharing a cup of coffee with your net friends and go Wi- Fi.

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